Sanjay Zodpey

Email : [email protected]
Sanjay Zodpey
President – Public Health Foundation of India
Professor Sanjay Zodpey is the President, Public Health Foundation of India. He has served as Vice President – Academics, Public Health Foundation of India and led the Indian Institute of Public Health, Delhi as its Founding Director. He has held joint appointments as Honorary / Adjunct Professor in five international universities: Georgia Southern University, Georgia; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA; The University of Sydney, Australia; Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia; and Patan Academy of Health Sciences, Lalitpur, Nepal. He has served as Director of Indian Institutes of Public Health at Gandhinagar and Bhubaneswar. He has also served as Professor at Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, Faculty in Clinical Epidemiology Unit and Vice Dean at Government Medical College, Nagpur, India.
He is a trained public health professional with multidisciplinary qualifications. He has acquired MD (Community Medicine), PhD and post-graduate qualifications in Sociology, Public Administration, and Economics. He was conferred ‘Doctor of Science (DSc) (Honoris Causa)’ by DMIMS Deemed to be University, Wardha for long-standing contribution to medical science and public health. He has been recently conferred ‘Doctor of Medicine (honoris causa) by The University of Sydney, Australia in recognition of his eminent contributions to public health in India, the region, and the world.
He was the National President of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine for two consecutive terms. With over 435 publications, he features in top 2 percent scientists across the world for his research contribution in Tropical Medicine for three consecutive years as part of worldwide ranking of scientists in all science fields. He is the recipient of Public Health Education Leadership Award for significant contributions in promoting public health education in the WHO’s South-East Asia Region.Professor Zodpey has contributed significantly to the field of environmental and occupational health.
He is a life member of Indian Association of Occupational Health (IAOH) and Association of Agricultural Medicine and Rural Health in India. He was also the member of International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) during 2008-09. He served as Secretary of Vidarbha Branch of Indian Association of Occupational Health during 2006-07. He has been an active member of IAOH and participated in several scientific deliberations organized by IAOH through conferences, CME programs and workshops.
He served on numerous distinguished panels, advisory groups, technical task forces and academic & research committees in the field of environmental and occupational health. He was the Chair of Research Advisory Council of National Institute of Miners’ Health, Ministry of Mines, Government of India. He is the Chairperson of Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of National Institute for Research in Environmental Health (NIREH), Bhopal, Indian Council of Medical Research. He has delivered prestigious orations in the field of environmental and occupational health which include NIREH Foundation Day Oration-2022, Dr. KM Bhansali Memorial Oration-2022 and 4th Dr. BS Sajjan Endowment Oration. He has served as Member on the Editorial Board of Indian Journal of Occupational and environmental Medicine (IJOEM). Professor Zodpey has authored 64 scientific publications in international and Indian peer reviewed journals in the field of environmental and occupational health. He is recipient of BEL-IND Award for his research work in the field of Occupational Health.
- Occupational Health
- Air Pollution
- Research Methods for Environmental and Occupational Health
- Zodpey SP, Motghare DD, Vasudeo ND. Morbidity pattern in Thermal Power Station employees. Indian Journal of Occupational Health. 1994; 37(2): 37-41.
- Zodpey SP, Motghare DD, Kulkarni HR, Vasudeo ND. Respiratory morbidity in Thermal Power Station Employees. Indian Journal of Industrial Medicine. 1995; 41(1): 8-12.
- Ghotkar VB, Maldhure BR and Zodpey SP. Involvement of lung and lung function tests in stone quarry workers. Ind J Tub. 1995; 42: 155-160.
- Zodpey SP, Motghare DD and Vasudeo ND. Awareness and Current Practice regarding use of protective devices amongst thermal power station employees. Indian Journal of Occupational Health. 1995; 38(3): 75-77.
- Joshi MP, Zodpey SP, Bhatkule PR, Motghare DD and Vasudeo ND. Morbidity pattern in automobile repair workers. Indian Journal of Occupational Health. 1995; 38(4): 97-102.
- Joshi MP, Zodpey SP, Bhatkule PR and Vasudeo ND. Respiratory morbidity in automobile repair workers. Ind J Industrial Med. 1996; 42(2): 93-97.
- Zodpey SP, Motghare DD and Vasudeo ND. Hypertension in Thermal Power Station employees. Indian Journal of Occupational Health. 1996; 39(4): 97-101.
- Joshi MP, Zodpey SP, Bhatkule PR and Vasudeo ND. Contact dermatitis in automobile repair workers. Ind J Dermatol. 1997; 42 (2): 65-67.
- Tiwari RR, Zodpey SP, Deshpande SG and Vasudeo ND. Peak expiratory flow rate in handloom weavers. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1998; 42: 266 – 270.
- Zodpey SP, Tiwari RR. Appraisal of abstracts submitted for presentation during conference of IAOH. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1998; 2: 173 – 176.
- Zodpey SP, Tiwari RR. Peak expiratory flow rate in flourmill workers. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1998; 42: 521 – 526.
- Tiwari RR, Zodpey SP. Respiratory morbidity in flour mill workers. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1998; 2: 187 – 189.
- Tiwari RR, Pathak MC, Zodpey SP, Babar VY. Haematological profile in cotton textile workers. The Antiseptic 1998; 95: 432 – 433.
- Tiwari RR, Pathak MC, Zodpey SP, Babar VY. Varicose veins among cotton textile workers. Quarterly Journal of Surgical Sciences 1998; 34: 111-115.
- Tiwari RR, Pathak MC, Zodpey SP. Respiratory morbidities in cotton textile workers. Lung India 1999; 17: 23 – 25.
- Tiwari RR, Zodpey SP, Kasturwar NB. Weather and occurrence of preeclampsia and eclampsia. Indian Medical Gazette 1999; 133: 1 – 4.
- Ambadekar NN, Wahab SN, Zodpey SP, Khandait DW. Interdependence of some sociodemographic factors associated with child labour. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1999; 3: 77 – 78.
- Tiwari RR, Zodpey SP, Deshpande SG, Ughade SN, Vasudeo ND. Respiratory morbidity in handloom weavers. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1999; 3: 71-73.
- Ambadekar NN, Zodpey SP, Khandait DW. Review of prevalence and type of job of child laborers in India. Indian Journal of Occupational Health 1999; 42: 19 – 22.
- Ambadekar NN, Wahab SN, Zodpey SP, Khandait DW. Effect of child labour on growth of children. Public Health 1999; 113: 303 – 306.
- Zodpey SP, Ughade SN. Exposure to cheaper cooking fuels and risk of age-related cataract in women. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1999; 3: 159 – 161.
- Tiwari RR, Zodpey SP. Peak Expiratory Flow Rate among sports – persons. Indian Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine 2000; 4: 37 – 38.
- Tiwari RR, Pathak MC, Zodpey SP. Determinants of peak expiratory flow rate among cotton textile workers. Indian Journal of Occupational Health 2000; 43: 127-132.
- Zodpey SP. Study design options in observational occupational health research. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2000; 4: 151-157.
- Gawande AV, Vasudeo ND, Zodpey SP, Khandait DW. Sexually transmitted infections in long distance truck drivers. Journal of Communicable Diseases 2000; 32: 212-215.
- Athavale AV, Durge PM, Zodpey SP, Deshpande SG. Total serum cholesterol and risk of coronary heart disease among sedentary workers. Antiseptic 2001; 98: 100-101.
- Tiwari RR, Pathak MC, Zodpey SP, Babar VY. Morbidity profile of cotton textile workers. Indian Journal of Community Medicine 2001; 26: 26-30.
- Gawande AV, Vasudeo ND, Zodpey SP. Risk factors for HIV infection among long distance truck drivers. Indian Journal of Occupational Health 2001; 44: 67-70.
- Kadam SM, Wahab SN, Zodpey SP, Fulare MB. Morbidity pattern in agricultural workers. Indian Journal of Occupational Health 2001; 44: 187-191.
- Sangole SS, Lanjewar AG, Zodpey SP, Doifode VV. Knowledge and practices of food handlers regarding food hygiene. Indian J Comm Health 2001; 7: 34-40.
- Sangole SS, Lanjewar AG, Zodpey SP. Personal hygiene and it’s association with some factors in food handlers. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2002; 6: 71-74,79.
- Sangole SS, Lanjewar AG, Zodpey SP. A study of sanitary status of food establishments: ‘Zunka Bhakar Centres’. The Antiseptic 2003; 100: 228-229.
- Tiwari RR, Pathak MC, Zodpey SP. Low back pain among textile workers. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2003; 7: 27-29.
- Tiwari RR, Pathak MC, Zodpey SP, Babar VY. Hypertension among cotton textile workers. Indian Journal of Public Health 2003; 47: 34-36.
- Brahmapurkar KP, Lanjewar AG, Biranjan JR, Zodpey SP. Injuries in the Glass Factory workers, Nagpur. Indian Journal of Community Medicine 2006; 31: 206-207.
- Sabde YD, Zodpey SP. A study of morbidity pattern in street sweepers: A cross-sectional study. Indian Journal of Community Medicine 2008; 33: 224-228.
- Sabde YD, Zodpey SP. Respiratory morbidity among street sweepers working at Hanuman-Nagar Zone of Nagpur Municipal Corporation, Maharashtra. Indian Journal of Public Health 2008; 52: 147-149.
- Zodpey SP, Negandhi HN, Tiwari RR. Mapping occupational health courses in India: A Systematic Review. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2009; 13: 135-140.
- Sabde Yogesh, Zodpey SP. Secondhand tobacco smoke exposure in low income group women in Nagpur, India. Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences 2011; 25: 81-85.
- Zodpey SP, Negandhi HN, Tiwari RR. Online resources for occupational health physicians. Indian J Occup Environ Med 2011; 15: 3 – 5.
- Quazi SZ, Gaidhane AM, Shanbhag Sunita, Zodpey SP. High-risk sexual partnerships and condom use among truckers entering Mumbai city. International Journal of Biological and Medical Research 2011; 2: 938-941.
- Kavya Sharma, Sanjay P Zodpey, Rajnarayan R Tiwari. Need and supply gap in occupational health manpower in India. Toxicology and Industrial Health 2013; 29: 483-89. [Published online 18th January 2012 [DOI: 10.1177/0748233711430981].
- Brahmapurkar KP, Lanjewar AG, Zodpey SP, Brahmapurkar VK, Khakse GM, Thakre SB, Giri VC. Heat stress and its effect in glass factory workers of Central India. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 2012; 1 (8): 1-13.
- Tiwari RR, Sharma Kavya, Zodpey Sanjay. Situation analysis of nursing education and work force in India. Nurs Outlook 2013; 61: 129-136.
- E-Book. Quazi Syed, Abhay Gaidhane and Sanjay Zodpey. HIV transmission risk behavior amongst truckers of district of India: HIV risk behavior among truckers. ISBN-13: 978-3-8484-8876-6, ISBN-10: 3848488760. EAN: 9783848488766. Editor: dghimisl.Lambert Academic Publishing.
- Kishor P Brahmapurkar, Ashok G Lanjewar, Sanjay P Zodpey, Vaishali K Shrote (Brahmapurkar), QH Khan, Gautam M Khakse, Teeku Sinha, Vivekanand C Giri, PK Shrivastava, VKS Chauhan. Morbidities in the glass factory workers of Central India. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Services 2013; 7: 29-33.
- Manish Kakkar, Syed Shahid Abbas, Ashok Kumar; Akhtar Hussain, Kavya Sharma, Purvi Mehta Bhatt, Sanjay Zodpey. Veterinary Public Health capacity-building in India: a grim reflection of the developing worlds’ under-preparedness to address zoonotic risks. WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health 2013; 2: 187-191.
- IPEN Study Group. Bio-medical waste management: Situational analysis and predictors of performances in 25 districts across 20 Indian states. Indian J Med Res 2014; 139: 141-153.
- Rajnarayan R Tiwari, Anjali Sharma, Sanjay P Zodpey, Shobha M Khandare. Does occupational health nursing exist in India? Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2014; 18: 113-7.
- Tiwari R, Sharma A, Zodpey S, Patel S. Occupational health nursing course in India: Stakeholder’s perspective. J Environ Occup Sci. Online First: 15 May, 2015. doi:10.5455/jeos.20150514034952.
- Rajnarayan R Tiwari, Anjali Sharma, Sanjay P Zodpey, Shruti Patel. Situational analysis of industrial hygienists in India: An overview. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2015; 19: 90-94.
- Anuja Pandey, Sanjay Zodpey, Raj Kumar. Demand-supply gaps in human resources to combat vector-borne disease in India: Capacity building measures in medical entomology. WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health 2015; 4: 92-97.
- Tiwari RR, Sharma Anjali, Zodpey SP. Occupational health training in India: Need for a competency driven approach. Indian J Occup Environ Med 2016; 20: 39-43.
- Sanjay Zodpey, Ritika Tiwari. Landscaping teaching and training of urban health as a part of health professional education in India. Journal of Health Management 2016; 18: 351-360.
- Global Burden of Disease 2015 Risk Factors Collaborators [Sanjay Zodpey]. Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet 2016; 388: 1659-724.
- Global Burden of Disease 2016 Risk Factors Collaborators [Sanjay Zodpey]. Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990-2016: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet 2017; 390: 1345-422.
- Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 Risk Factor Collaborators [Sanjay Zodpey]. Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioral, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Lancet 2018; 392: 1923-94. (
- Edmond Fernandes, Sanjay Zodpey. India requires a public health law of disaster resilience (Letter to Editor). Int J Health Allied Sci 2019; 8:214-6.
- GBD 2016 Occupational Risk Factors Collaborators [Zodpey Sanjay]. Global and regional burden of disease and injury in 2016 arising from occupational exposures: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Occup Environ Med 2020; 77: 133-141. (doi:10.1136/oemed-2019-106008) (
- GBD 2016 Occupational Carcinogens Collaborators [Zodpey Sanjay]. Global and regional burden of cancer in 2016 arising from occupational exposure to selected carcinogens: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Occup Environ Med 2020; 77: 151-159. (doi:10.1136/oemed-2019-106012) (
- Local Burden of Disease WaSH Collaborators [Zodpey Sanjay]. Mapping geographical inequalities in access to drinking water and sanitation facilities in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000–17. Lancet Glob Health. 2020; 8: e1162-85.
- James SL, Lucchesi LR, Bisignano C, et al [Sanjay Zodpey]. Morbidity and mortality from road injuries: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. Inj Prev 2020; 26: i46-i56. (doi:10.1136/injuryprev-2019-043302)
- GBD 2019 Diabetes and Air Pollution Collaborators [Sanjay Zodpey]. Estimates, trends, and drivers of the global burden of type 2 diabetes attributable to PM2·5 air pollution, 1990–2019: an analysis of data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Planet Health. 2022; 6(7): e586-e600. (
- GBD 2019 Adolescent Transport and Unintentional Injuries Collaborators [Sanjay Zodpey]. Adolescent transport and unintentional injuries: a systematic analysis using the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Lancet Public Health. 2022; 7(8): e657-e69. (