Pushkar Kumar

Pushkar Kumar

Director- Training


Dr. Pushkar is a Medical Post Graduate with over 20+ years of health sector experience in the field of Public Health programme planning, implementation, evaluation, policy, stakeholder management, health financing, capacity building in arena of RMNCH+A, NCDs, HRH, HIV/AIDS, Blood Safety, Primary Healthcare, Environmental Health, and Health System Strengthening. He is involved in planning and implementation of 30+ capacity building initiatives for Primary Care Physicians & other Healthcare professionals in the area of diabetes, COPD & Asthma, women’s health, Healthcare Quality, mental health, Disaster, occupational health, Antimicrobial Stewardship, cyber-security & AI in healthcare, infectious diseases which are running pan India and expanded to our neighouring countries. Dr. Pushkar is leading a team of 30 personnel for training and implementation research initiatives and more than 42,000 PCPs & HCPs have been trained through these initiatives. Earlier, Dr. Pushkar worked as Lead Consultant with MoHFW guiding the maternal health programme and RMNCH+A programme at National level. Dr. Pushkar has also led the Blood Safety component at NACO as a Sr. Technical Officer & Programme Officer (Quality Control).

Dr. Pushkar has led designing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of capacity building programmes in the field of COPD & Asthma, Occupational Health, Antimicrobial Stewardship for the Primary Care Physicians in both public and private sectors that have been running successfully for several years.

  • Capacity building
  • Non Communicable Diseases
  • Maternal Health and RMNCH+A programme
  • Blood Safety
  • Public Health Programme Management
  • Environment Health and Health Systems Strengthening

Improving primary care physicians’ capacity: A pan India initiative on management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma” as Letter to editor- Lung India (Vol 35, Issue 5, September-October 2018).